Monday, January 24, 2011

Mamma's Got a Brand New Job!

Today was my first day at my new job!  WOOOOO!  I got really lucky in landing a job so fast, I was off work two weeks to the day when I got offered the new position.  I gladly accepted!  Last Thursday I had to go to our local Job Connect office to register, as a requirement of filing for unemployment (which reminds me, I'm sure I need to tell someone, somewhere, that I got monies coming in!), and let me just tell you that place was scary.  All kinds of weird ass people were up in there.  Lot's of... how shall  I say.... tweakers?  Yes.  Tweakers.  I was NOT happy about being in there for almost two hours, so that night when I got the call asking if I could go in the next day for a second interview and "meet all the gals in the office and talk more about the position" I was totally excited!

Right now, it's only a temporary position, 6 months, with the possibility of going permanent, but it's better that not working at all.  Plus,  I have 6 months to wow them with my sparkling personality and dazzling wit, all the while still earning some scrilla!

I know I'm a day late on my "weekly blogging" goal, but I have been in such a funk lately that I haven't wanted to write anything cause A- I don't really know what to say, and B- I think all I would be writing is emotional gibberish.  All last week I was all over the emotion spectrum, and writing about it was the farthest thing from my mind.  If I wrote it out, then that made it real and I didn't want all of that to be real.  

This last weekend started out pretty good though.  I went shopping Saturday for some dress work clothes (loooooove shopping!) and then Saturday night we were getting together with friends.  One of my closest friends  came down with some sort of viral infection, which ended up with her going to the ER- so worry and concern for her took over.  You never want the people closest to you to feel any sort of pain or hurt, and it's absolutely terrible when they do and you aren't able to do anything to make it better.  I am still very worried for her and praying she gets better soon.  

Hopefully this will be a good week! 

'Til next time!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sixteen Days Down, Fifteen More!

I am still abiding by not eating fast food for this whole month, and I am VERY proud to say that I have not cheated once!  I have not eaten fast food since New Years Eve (ohh Taco Bell... you were beyond delicious!), and I am feeling pretty damn good about it.  There is no doubt in my mind that I can make it through the end of the month.  Now, I'm starting to wonder what my February goal will be.  Maybe I'll just continue not eating fast food through February as well, although from where I'm at right now that seems daunting.

The constant thinking about it during the first week has completely stopped, and thank God for that!   I think being laid off and spending time at home is definitely helping.  I didn't think I'd really find a silver lining in all of that, but I guess here it is!  I'm still working out the same as I was before, and I haven't changed any other eating habits.  I don't "feel" any different, just proud that I have been able to stick to this so far.  I can see the end result is just around the corner!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Untitled, Part Deux

I cannot get my mind to stop going back to Friday.  As soon as I lay down to go to sleep, it's like my brain is a movie projected and the inside of my eye lids are the screen.  I've been sleeping terribly.  The hubs is doing everything that he can to be extra sweet and lovey to me.  He brought me home  Lungs by Florence and the Machine, which I love!  He doesn't want me to be sad or depressed or to keep thinking about it, what's done is done and it's in the past.  But how do you not?  As soon as I wake up I think about it and what happened and how this effects the future and well, basically everything.  I don't know how to turn my brain off.  I don't want to be sad in front of him, but sometimes I am just falling apart inside.  

The thing that hurts the most is knowing the ramifications of what being layed off right now does to us.  The hubs is much more optimistic than I am, and thank god for that.  To him it's just a blip in the road, a speed bump,  "it is what it is".  I, however, am much more doom and gloom about this.  I am very end-result focused, and he is more process and planning focused.  So all I can see right now is what I want, or my "end result", and how it's basically totally fucked.  It sucks.  I know I'm probably being a bit over dramatic.  But this is how I feel, so this is my reality at this moment.  

Saturday started out really rough.  I was in such a shocked state, I felt like a zombie walking around.  Hubs went snowboarding in the morning, and I actually got up and showered.  I started to work on my resume- something I hadn't done for years but thank god it was up to date minus the info from the job I just lost.  But then, something surprisingly awesome happened.  Hubs texted me saying the guys and significant others want to come over to watch football- was I up to it?  YES!  It was amazing.  Instantly I felt better and was smiling. Thank god I showered earlier, LOL.  

It was great having some people over and laughing and enjoying some company.  It felt so good!  I'm thankful to have the friends that we do.  I'm not a big fan of football as it is, nor do I really pay attention to it, but it didn't even matter.  

I've been applying to jobs like crazy, hoping that I can find something quickly and not need to use much or any of my severance, and especially not go on unemployment.  Save the unemployment for a later time!  Save the severance for unexpected expenses or hell just have a nice savings account!  

My emotions are definitely all over the place still; OK one minute and on the verge of tears the next.  It'll take some time but I know it will get better.  It's had to see that right now, but it really will all work out in the end.  If I end up having to go on unemployment, then thats what has to happen.  All the bills will still get paid, and that's the most important thing.  I had two phone interviews with one company yesterday, and  they sent me some information to look over regarding their company.  I called them back this morning and told them that yes I was very much interested.  They will call me before end of business today or tomorrow morning to set up a face to face interview... So this is absolutely good news!  

Please keep your fingers crossed, keep us in your prayers, send good thoughts, etc., etc. for our family.  We will take anything we can get!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So I've been sitting here at this screen for a while now, not entirely sure how I want to start.  The last week has been a complete whirl wind/roller coaster/emotional train wreck.  I am an emotional train wreck.

This time last week I was thinking how fast the work week was going by and just how fabulous that was.  The husband and I took the first steps towards buying a house- contacting a real estate agent and contacting a lender.

Thursday was good too- it was almost Friday and I was giddy about that.  After having a four day weekend, I really expected the week back to drag and feel like it was taking forever.  The lender asked for our financials, so we both gathered all the information and sent it over Thursday night.

Then Friday.  Sweet, glorious Friday.  The hubs texted me that morning saying that we got pre-approved for a loan... we were going to buy a house!  I was ecstatic.  BEYOND ecstatic.  I have wanted to own our own home for years, before it was even financially possible or reasonable.  I didn't care, I just wanted to be in our own place where I could paint the walls and put holes in them and hang shit.  We got approved for way more then we ever wanted to spend, but it was a pretty sweet ass feeling knowing that we could spend that kinda scrilla if we wanted.

I told my two best friends at work, who also happen to be my two best friends in my non-work life, and I was on cloud nine.  I ran into my bosses office and told her that we got pre-approved.  She glanced up at me and I think said "cool" or something along those lines, but she barely looked at me.  One of the owners was in her office too, and he high-fived me and asked what "pre-approved" meant.  I told him that it meant we could go buy a house now, that we have proof we can get a loan.  He wasn't very excited either.  I walked back out and told my friend "she wasn't even excited!" about my boss.

The rest of the day was just amazing... nothing could get me down and all I could think about was going and looking at houses and picking it out and moving and painting and new furniture and... I let my mind run wild.  Then it the end of the day, time to go home.  I didn't notice it then, but the entire upstairs (ok, just two other gals) cleared out and it was just me.  (As I write this I can feel my stomach go to knots and get that sick feeling.)  The owner of the company and my boss came up the stairs and walked over to me in the corner.  She had some paperwork in her hand, and they both sat down in chairs in front of my desk.   He said something about wanting to talk to me for a minute.  I instantly knew what was happening.  

I sat there in silence as I listened to him say how times are tough, the company hasn't been making money, they need to cut costs, I wasn't the only one... tears started streaming down my face.  I started closing all of open programs.   I really wanted to NOT cry and be tough and fake that I didn't care and that this wasn't going to upset me... THEY weren't going to have any power over me.  She handed me the paperwork... my "exit" paperwork.  He said that when I came in to her office this afternoon it just broke his heart to hear that we had gotten the pre-approval, and that he "hoped it didn't mess things up".  (How the hell could it not!?!?!??!).  More talking... I'm just sitting there crying.  Do I have questions about the paperwork?  Oh... I hadn't even looked at it.  I picked it up and thumbed through the documents, not reading a single thing.  He had the balls to tell me (which I've now found out was a complete LIE) that the other gal was not given a severance, and that it's really important for me to know that, and they really appreciated me and just want me to know that they felt I deserved one.  (Thanks ass-hat, how is that supposed to make me feel better?  That you shitting on another employee somehow shows that what.... you liked me better???)  THEN... he says to me "I know you'd rather be a mother than an International Account Rep anyway".   ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?  I mustered something along the lines, through my sobs, "in reality thats not happening".  

He continued with hopefully things will improve in the spring and of course I'm trained and I know the business... I stopped listening.  They got up, she went back to her office and he went downstairs.  I started to pack up my stuff.  I re-opened my outlook and deleted my personal email folder.  Once I was done, I walked into her office and asked her which key was for the front door, cause I couldn't remember. (Yes, I had to make sure to give up my key... they didn't even ask for it.  Oh, my house key looks almost identical and in that state I just couldn't tell which was which.)  She couldn't find her keys... and wasn't sure.... do I want to go downstairs and try the key in the door?  Thankfully, before I could glare and tell her NO I did NOT want to go downstairs and try it out, she found her keys.  I handed it over and walked out.  She must have been right behind me and went straight downstairs, because when I grabbed all my shit she was downstairs at the receptionist's desk-the other gal they let go.  She sat there with this stupid ass look on her face and on my way past her I was able to get the strength/courage to say "Will you just tell him that I wish he could have at least just been honest with me?  If sales are so just hired someone new a week ago."  Deer in the headlights looked back at me like, did someone just stand up to me?  Did someone just say something that was not agreeable with me?  She fumbled out " Uh, yeah, I will let him know" in a meek-mousy voice, and out I walked.

My world completely crashed.  I was in hysterical sobs.  I was just in complete shock, and well I still am.  What were we going to do?  We just got the pre-approval, what about the house?  What about our future?  What about ever having a family one day?  What about EVERYTHING?!?!?!?  I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach and I could vomit at any time.  Thank god I only lived 4.5 miles from work, driving was not such a good idea.  

It hurts.  It hurts so freaking bad.  And not in the it hurts so much I like it kinda way either.  If sales were down, why did we hire someone new?  We were not in need of that new person, that department was just fine.  The only reason that person was hired so to replace the person already doing that job, so that person could move into a role that A-didn't need to be filled at the that time, and B- they had no knowledge of whatsoever.  If sales were really that bad, why not do pay cuts?  Why not reduce hours and put people on part-time?  Isn't/Shouldn't layoff's be your last option after the first two???  WHY ME?  It's just so personal.  I was the only one there that did the job I was doing.   I spent the two weeks before creating an International P&P Binder, as requested by her, since we were "documenting all processes".  I had joked to one of my best friends who also happened to be the Project Manager who had me do the binder, that I was sealing my fate by doing this and that they wouldn't need me anymore... ha ha ha.  IT WAS A JOKE!  A really bad, terrible, offensive joke.

I'm so hurt and angry and just... I feel betrayed.  I had been there 2 1/2 years.  I was invested.  I knew the business.  I was the last persona in the office (there were a few remote people) who was there when I got hired.  Everyone who was already there when I started weren't there anymore.  I came home and just cried in my husbands shoulder.  I had ruined everything.  Everything we had ever worked for and everything I had ever wanted was ruined.  How were we supposed to move forward or do anything if I no longer had an income?  I hadn't been happy there for a while, it was alway hit and miss with that place, but if I didn't need to be there I wouldn't have been.  In order to do what I want to do, I needed to be working.

My best friends came right over as soon as they were allowed to leave the office (apparently they had to have an immediate meeting about what happened and made everyone stay late, even though they refuse to pay any OT).   It was a rough night.  I held it together and didn't cry infront of them, but my face was already puffy and swollen before they got there.  I tried to sleep that night, I don't remember falling asleep or even moving.  When I woke up my face stung from all the tears and my eye lids felt 10 time the normal size.  My husband looked down at me and I instantly started to cry.  Again.  What was I going to do?

It has been four days since my world has been completely turned upside down.  I have much more to say, and much more to get off my chest.  Perhaps another day.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Days In, 26 More To Go!

Dear Diary/Journal/Blog/No One,

Today was day 5 without eating fast food.  Only day 5... it's not like I'm doing anything spectacular here.  I am one of those people when told not to do something or told I can't have something, then that is the thing I want to do the most.  The thing I think about the most.  Well... from my own doing, I can't stop thinking about fast food.  I don't even hardly eat this stuff!  But, now it's allll I think about, for most of the day.  Yesterday three people in the office had Taco Bell and when I went downstairs OH EM GEE did it smell good. I instantly wanted it.  This is terrible!  I know I won't always feel like this, but when will this obsessive thinking about it stop?  I hate this.

Today wasn't much better.  I don't know what happened this morning, but I just could not get my shit together in time.  It didn't feel like I was taking an overly long shower or anything, but before I knew it it was time to go. I wasn't even dressed!  I rushed around knocking this over, spilling that over... I ran downstairs and realized I left all my gym clothes upstairs.  Back upstairs I go.  Grab my clothes and back downstairs, it's 7:58!  I'm supposed to be at work at 8.  I texted my boss that I was running late, she texted back "haha so am I, no problem!".  Phew.  I put a k-cup in my Keuring and get some coffee... spill that on my hand.  I go to leave and the fish tank is still dark, meaning I didn't feed them.  So I turn the lights on and give them breakfast.  I go to make my lunch and it's already 8:10... I have GOT to go.  I grab a packet of pop-tarts and run out the door, making it to work by 8:20.

I felt horrible.  There was no reason for me to be late to work, I felt so guilty.  My boss was really understanding, I walked to her office as soon as I got there and said "I made it!" and she laughed and was totally fine with it.

In all my crazyness this morning, I did not make myself a lunch.  I had to get to work.  I knew walking out the door this was a bad, bad idea and just setting myself up to fail.  I ate my pop-tarts in the early morning, but I knew they wouldn't be enough.  So for lunch I went to Subway.  With all of their healthier options and the whole "Jared-from-Subway-guy", I figured it was a better option.  I still didn't want to do it, but I knew I wasn't going to make it until I got home AFTER working out.  Please, working out after not eating all day?  That spells passing out!  I got a 6-inch Turkey Melt on Wheat.  It was delicious.  I don't regret eating it, but I really, really regret having an off morning and not making my lunch this morning.  I know it's better and easier for me to bring food with me.  I love left overs, we have stuff for sandwiches, frozen burritos... I have all the stuff here that I need.

I don't count Subway as fast food.  When I think fast food, I think McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendys, Burger King, things like that.  I honestly do not believe that I ate fast food today.  I still don't feel good  or happy about it, but I at least still haven't eaten fast food.

I'm mainly upset that it's only 5 days in and I've already messed up.  I couldn't even make it a full week. It sucks. I will not let this get me down.  I will not quit.  I will not dwell on this.

"Let the rain of today, wash away the pain of yesterday".

Thanks Diary/Journal/Blog/No One for listening, and not saying one judgmental word to me about it.