Wednesday, December 25, 2013

21 Weeks- Update, YO!

How far along? 20w,6d- tomorrow is 21 weeks!

Babies are the size of: Bananas or Carrots, depending on your liking :)  About 10.5 inches each and about 3/4lb each. That seems large to me!

Total weight gain: 5lbs!  I've finally started to gain some weight.  5 months along and 5lbs gained- I think we are doing pretty good.  I was getting worried for a bit but I keep telling myself that at the anatomy scan both babes measured dead on and we couldn't have asked for more, so I must be doing something right!

Maternity Clothes: If it's not maternity I just won't wear it.  Comfort is a must have!!!

Stretch marks: Nothing yet, and I am so thankful!

Sleep: I have good nights and bad nights, but nothing too terrible yet.  

Best moment this week? It's Christmas today!  Our last Christmas before the babies come and I've been pretty emotional about it all.  We spend Christmas Eve with hubs' family at his Grandma's house every year.  We open gifts in order of great-grand kids, grand kids (our generation), and then the kids (hubs' dad and siblings).   The twins had special gifts for them under the tree- keepsake hand/footprint kits.  I blubbered.  Then today we opened the gifts my parents sent over.  Inside was the book "The Night Before Christmas" that my mom read to us every year, that my grandparent's had bought.  It's from 1987 and has a beautiful message my my parents, now grandparents, and was signed by MY grandparents back in 1987! Holy moly I lost my shit and cried and cried this morning.  It is the sweetest thing ever and I cannot wait to read it to the babes every year.  

Miss anything: Wine... oh the wine.  I've had a couple sniffs of a glass of wine and man did that smell amazing.

Movement: YES!  It's started within the last two weeks I guess and it is the weirdest thing ever.  If I sit at my desk and push my belly just slightly against the desk to get some pressure I can feel them (in the afternoon) and then usually after dinner they go crazy.  Hubs still hasn't been able to feel them from the outside yet but I've laid my hand on the belly and felt them once or twice.  

Food cravings: I was going through an oreo and milk phase (cookies at 8am anyone?) but not much now.  Just more food, all the time.  

Have you started to show yet? It's getting bigger and bigger every week, I swear!  

Gender: We have a baby boy and a baby girl!  We couldn't be more excited!!! 

Belly button in or out? It's in, but stretching out... it's very strange.

Wedding rings: on or off? ON, and I don't plan on taking it off!

Looking forward to: Picking up the crib and dresser in the next few days.  I've been getting clothes and all sorts of things and I have no where to put them, so I have everything just scattered all over the nursery floor.  I'll be able to wash everything and get it set up!  

Right now we have prime rib cooking in the oven for Christmas dinner so I am realllly looking forward to that in an hour or so :)

I hope everyone has had an amazing Christmas!  You know you did good for someone else when they haven't put down their gift all day long.  Hubs got an iPad this year... Santa must have put him on the nice list!

The night we put up our tree- so freakin pretty!

A few weeks ago, 49ers vs Seahawks- I look big here!

Ruxin enjoying the fireplace.

We ordered the stroller right after Thanksgiving- it's a biggen!

Hubs' co-worker sent him home with a HUGE bag of baby girl clothes,
there has to be at least 50 items PLUS towels and hats! We feel very blessed.

Ruxin again by the fire- he loves it!

At my company Christmas party two weeks ago.
(Large, thick stripes are NOT preggo friendly just FYI!)

Ruxin sportin' his Santa outfit!

Our beautiful tree this morning.
(If you can't tell I'm obsessed with Christmas)

Little bit of the snow we've had so far, although it's pretty bare today.
Obligatory holiday photo- I must have one every year!

Gifts the twins got this year!  That is the book my mom read to me and my brother
every Christmas Eve, and now I'll get to read it to my kids.  

21 weeks tomorrow!  Only 15-17 more to go... dayum!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We Have Genitalia!

Hubs and I went to our anatomy scan today.  The place was nice and cozy!  We had to wait an hour though after our appointment time to get seen; the couple being seen in front of us were having complications.  I felt awful for them... I couldn't even begin to imagine getting there all excited to see your child and then finding out something is wrong.  As soon as they told us that was the reason for the delay I couldn't be angry anymore.  I am so thankful for what we have and our good fortune.

Now... on to the goods!

The appointment lasted such a long time.  She measured arm and leg bones, counted fingers and toes, looked at the brains, the hearts, placenta's placement and made sure the cords were good and blood was flowing, four eye sockets, no club feet, all that jazz!  Both hearts were beating around 153 and 155 bpm.

It was amazing; they were moving all over the place and FINALLY look like real babies!  Hands waving, thumb sucking, I layed there speechless for most of it.  I'm a huge cryer and super emotional even without being knocked up but I held it together.  I shed a few tears when she said Baby A was a BOY and that "there is no mistaking it".  Then Baby B a GIRL...I think I'm still in shock.  I am so, so, so excited- there aren't enough words!

One placenta is in the front and one is in the back... I think baby girl's is in the front which is on my right side so that may be why I'm not feeling much on that side right now.  I have definitely felt my first movement on the left :) .  It is such a strange feeling... it literally does feel like something is crawling under my skin LOL.

Little girl is measuring exactly dead-on at 17w6d and she is 8oz.  Little boy is one day behind at 17w5d and he is 7oz.  We have the ideal twin situation (separate sacks and placentas) and are set up for the least amount of complications.  I hope this is an indicator of what to expect!  Doctor also confirmed our due date essentially means nothing and these babies will be born in April!  If I can get to 36-37 weeks we are doing great, and if I make it to 38 weeks they won't let me go farther than that.  At that point there won't be any room anyway and they'll need to come out.  So essentially, I'm half way there! Oh, and since baby boy is also "Baby A" medically (indicating he is closer to the cervix) if we deliver vaginally or c-section he'll be born first... so we have a big brother!

I feel like I am forgetting so much from the appointment. It's all a bit overwhelming.  I already have a date for Saturday to hit up the baby consignment shop for their 50% off sale!

Baby boy, the nurse actually said "there is no mistaking it"

Baby Boy- this even LOOKS like a boy face!

Baby Girl

Baby girl face!

Side by side, our son and daughter!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family, friends, or whoever you spend time with on Thanksgiving. Here's to lots of food and good company!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

16 Weeks- Update, YO!

How far along? 16w exactly.  Boy time is starting to fly by!

Babies are the size of: Two mangos and up to 5" each.  No more puny fruits!

Total weight gain: I'm still a 1/2lb short of hitting my pre-preggo weight.  I ate a lot today so my belly looks huge tonight.

Maternity Clothes: My quest for maternity clothes may never be satisfied.  I found another solid pair of work pants thankfully... now I'm just trying to figure out how many times I can wear them during the week before I become a weirdo.  A friend did let me go through her huge tubs of maternity clothes and I found a lot of tops so I'm set there.  I think I just need a good set of maternity tights and I'll be able to rock some dresses I have.  Screw pants!

Stretch marks: NO, thank god.

Sleep: Not doing bad here, not doing great.  I toss and turn A LOT at night and of course I wake up every time I roll over.  yippee.

Best moment this week? We did have an OB appointment yesterday- it was so good to see the babes. They also look like real babies now on the screen which is awesome.  We saw the spines and ribs.. and even hands waving.  

Miss anything: Still sushi, and wine.  Other than that I am really liking this.

Movement: Maybe? Possibly?  Doubtful... I don't even know.  It's still pretty early to feel them but it is possible.  I've felt stuff... but nothing that isn't just a muscle spasm or gas.  It will happen soon enough!

Food cravings: Not much in the last few weeks, just more food in general. I was hungry this morning so before going to work I made a packet of instant mash potatoes, put them in tupperware, then ate 1/2 the packet for breakfast.  Hey.. I was really hungry!

Have you started to show yet? Ohhhhh yes.  It's pretty obvious I'm not smuggling a basketball under my shirt or anything.  Especially to those who know me.  

Gender: Don't know yet but our anatomy scan is in two weeks.  THANK GOD.  I cannot wait to see what they are! However, we aren't going to have the doctor tell us, we want it written down on a card that we will open on Christmas.  I love the idea of this but I'm losing faith I can hold out that long.  Don't anyone let me near that card!!  Hubs may have to lock it away somewhere.  

Belly button in or out? In still but still giving me that donut look, although not as harshly since the belly is expanding.  

Wedding rings: on or off? ON, and I don't plan on taking it off!

Looking forward to: The big anatomy scan.  They have super high-tech machines so we should get to see really clear images, plus they may have those 3D ones.  And, they offer a video of the whole thing.  Not sure about the video but the option is nice!  Also, we are going to make the big purchases on Black Friday: two cribs, a dresser, the double stroller, and two car seats.  I've got everything picked out so I'm hoping we can get a deal or two.  

Oh, and one thing I do not like is having to pee all the time!  I was able to sit through a 2hr,20min movie with no interruptions.  As as soon as it was over I went to the bathroom but then went again within 20 minutes. Ugh annoying!

I like to think Bella was just listening to the babes.

15w6d appointment.  I swear, there is something wrong with their machines.
The top one is NOT a really creepy face... it's just bad.  Pretty sure
that's the spine on the left.  Baby below looks like a turkey leg.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

99 Days Preggo!

According to my due date, I am 99 days pregnant.  Crazy to believe!  I'm starting to finally show every day...when I wake up there's a bit of a baby belly there.  It's easier to think "oh, she might be pregnant" now rather than "damn that bitch ate a fatty lunch!".  

Also on the plus side, I think I'm starting to enjoy this.  I'm no longer getting sick and hurling all the time (MS can kiss my fat ass!), and besides the crazy hunger I'm doing good.  The early first trimester exhaustion is gone as well... although I am still going to bed by 8pm every. freaking. night.  And a big meal makes me want to pass out faster than holding my breath!  Having constant food on hand has been a struggle so I end up getting too hungry and then gorging.  

I've been thinking a lot about Christmas lately.  Not just this year's holiday, but Christmas Future! EVERYONE knows this is my absolute, hands down, favorite time of the year.  Thinking of the babes being here next year and all the year's we'll get to celebrate... I'm constantly wiping tears away from my eyes. Imagining the look on their faces the first year they get a bicycle, opening Christmas pj's, sharing our traditions with them (hot chocolate while driving around looking at Christmas lights, anyone?).  Damn... there I go again.  As scary as it all seems sometimes knowing we have two on the way, I feel just as blessed. These babes are going to be so loved and well taken care of not only by us but by our entire families.

IF changes the way you view things... everything.  Towards the end of our journey my expectations of family totally changed.  Where once I was adamant we were having three children and I was carrying all three and no c-section would ever "tarnish" my birth experience, I was just begging for one.  I didn't care how we made that happen... adoption, baby snatchings, a nice stranger leaving a basket on our front door... I did not care.  I think that makes me see everything now as so special and sacred.  Birthday's, holiday's, Sunday dinners, first trips to the zoo... Hey, I'm an emotional gal as it is and I know the hormones aren't helping but damn.  This is going to be so effing awesome.  

Hubs and I made our second official trek into BBRUS this weekend and got to test out our stroller and car seats.  (By the by, if you've never operated that stuff before.... that shit is hard to figure out!)  The babes are going to need so much crap! But, I love it.  This is what I was put on this earth to do, what I have been dreaming about for years.  It's still a little early for buying a lot of stuff but I'll be scoping out Black Friday sales for the major items: cribs, dresser, stroller, and car seats. Figure it can't hurt!  Plus, there might be some awesome scores on diapers... I need to get our stock up!  One blog I read broke down how many diapers and what sizes you need for the first year.... times two we'll need about 6,000 diapers!!! I don't plan to have that many sitting in a closet but we've got plenty of storage room and I plan to stock up as much as possible.  Best tip I've gotten so far?  Buy lots of different brands so if you find you or babe doesn't like one kind, you aren't stuck with a year's worth of wasted moolah.  That, and Target and Walmart cheapies are pretty awesome.  Thank you fellow mamma's and papa's! 

All in all, I'm feeling really good and really excited.  I just can't wait for them to be here!  There was a freshly bathed four month old in my office on Friday and let me tell you, he smelled AMAZEBALLS!  I need to stop wishing the time to go faster since we'll never have this time again, but it's so hard to be patient and wait.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!  I loved handing out candy this year.  Last year I despised it LOL (I swear, it was just annoying)!  Cutest, sweetest, most polite trick or treaters ever.  First year in I don't know how long we actually went through all of our candy.

Relaxing now to Simpsons Halloween of Horrors and Charlie Brown's The Great Pumpkin.

Doesn't get much better than this!

... only 8 more weekend until Christmas, and 5 more Friday's until Black Friday.  Yes, I'm already starting to plan.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

12 Weeks- Update YO!

How far along? 12w2d

Babies are the size of: Two plumbs and up to 3" each.  :)

Total weight gain I still haven't gotten back up to my pre-pregnancy weight but I have a feeling it's coming.  I'm finally eating more!

Maternity clothes: Uhm yes please.  Everything feels like it cuts me off right in the middle, and if it's not stretchy lounge pants forget it.  Works pants are becoming interesting!

Stretch marks: Thank god no!

Sleep: Still doing good here.

Best moment this week? Last week we had our first appointment with my regular OB.  The place is awesome and so is my doc.  We got the low-down on what to expect: being seen every 4 weeks PLUS an ultrasound every time :)  Anatomy scan in 6-8 weeks. Got some samples for smaller pre-natal vitamins (I've been gagging down my regulars).  The belly is starting to come out!

Miss anything? SUSHI!  There is almost not a day that goes by that I'm not pining for sushi.  I don't like the deep-fried, cooked rolls so I'm pretty much SOL.  Sad face.

Movement: Ha, not even close.

Food cravings:  Naked steak queso burrito from Qdoba, with the tortilla on the side shredded up in the bowl.  Yes, that specific!

Have you started to show yet? It's starting!  I still get quite the "food baby" after eating, but I'm having to unbutton my work pants and I'm rounding out I think.

Gender: 6-8 weeks until the anatomy scan!

Belly button in or out? In still, but I am getting that donut look under my shirts.  So not cute.

Wedding rings: on or off? ON!

Looking forward to: Feeling better!  The MS is pretty much gone- woo!  Funny when I was getting nauseated all day I never threw up.  Now, I throw up almost every morning but I'm not feeling sick.  I'm starting to feel more normal and I'm eating more too.  Looking forward to out next appointment always, and I cannot wait to find out what these babies are!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

10 Weeks- Update, YO!

How far along? 10w,3d.  Honestly, every day feels like a milestone.

Babies are the size of: Two strawberries!  1 1/2 inches in length each, they can stretch and roll, and their taste buds are starting to form.

Total weight gain  Well today, I'm about -7 lbs.  I got down to 9lbs lost.  The morning sickness was pretty rough during weeks 7-8, but it's not as bad now.  Now, I get super hungry but NOTHING sounds good. Blech.

Maternity clothes: During one of my fatty-bloat days last weekend I bought a few shirts, one pair of work pants, and one pair of lounge pants.  I am looooving the lounge pants.

Stretch marks: Thank god no!

Sleep: I was literally thinking the other day how awesome it's been that I've been sleeping normally.  Then BAM... 4-6am rolls around and I have to pee so damn bad I'm in pain.

Best moment this week? Going FB public yesterday.  I loved the comments Hubs got on his FB way more than mine!

Miss anything? SUSHI!  There is almost not a day that goes by that I'm not pining for sushi.  I don't like the deep-fried, cooked rolls so I'm pretty much SOL.  Sad face.

Movement: Ha, not even close.

Food cravings: French fries, chocolate milkshakes, and maybe a Taco Bell Cheesy Gordita Crunch.

Have you started to show yet? No not really.  I'm in the awkward fat-pooch looking phase I try to make look like a belly.  LOL.  Some days I look normal and some days there's something there.  I am loving the pregnancy boobs though :)

Gender: We won't be able to tell for quite a while even though the babies fully have their ish developed!

Belly button in or out? In still, but I am getting that donut look under my shirts.  So not cute.

Wedding rings: on or off? ON!

Looking forward to: Our next appointment 10/22.  We've been lucky getting to see the babies every two weeks.  That won't continue so I'm happy we have at least one more coming!  I'm also really looking forward to looking pregnant.  It's hard to explain, but sometimes it feels like I just made the whole thing up or it's not true.  I know I have pictures and I've been sick, but something a little more concrete would make me feel better :)

Two Years, Two Babies

Well the cat is officially out of the bag!  We made it Facebook official yesterday and announced our twin pregnancy.  Prepare to see a lot more blogging from me; I feel like I am finally "free". Fuck Yeah!

Hubs and I decided to start trying to conceive in September 2011.  That was TWO YEARS AGO!  We worked hard to get my Thyroid condition under control as it is medically proven to cause issues.  Still... the months went by.  Struggling with infertility (IF) has been the hardest thing I have ever faced in my life, that we've faced in our marriage, harder than anything I have ever known.  It's a taboo subject rarely talked about in the open yet millions of couples silently suffer.  I was fortunate not only to have the most supportive man possible, but also close friends, my mother, and an on-line community of women who get it.  

IF does not mean your only option is IVF (test-tube babies, anyone?).  That couldn't be farther than the truth and our twins were not conceived through IVF.  I feel like that is important to say so that stereotype can be squashed.  We got really lucky!  After trying for two years (ok well 1 year, 11 months but ehh who's counting?) and suffering a loss, we were blessed with the two-for-one special.  

"At first I was afraid, I was petrified..." I was scared shitless!  I had told hubs over and over, all while laughing at his adamant "NO!" that I wanted twins and wouldn't it be so great and blah, blah, blah.  Then at that first ultrasound we both saw it before the nurse said "No wonder you are getting so sick, there's two!" The next week I was utterly terrified.  What had I gotten myself into?  Was I up for this? Could I do it? Oh god, what was I going to do?  Hubs was excited from the get-go!  Even through my one hysterical break down he has been by my side encouraging and taking care of me.  I knew I loved this man, but the father version of him is beyond anything I could have imagined!

I feel so blessed.  Our babies will always have someone by their side, someone to laugh and play with, someone to fight with, someone to keep them entertained besides Mom and Dad.  I know it will be rough in the beginning but we are soooo up for it!

Four Weeks- Found out we were expecting right before our annual family camping trip!  
BTDubs: non-alcoholic beer is beyond gross.

First u/s at 7w4d.  You're taking a look at baby frog and baby alien!

Hubs got this for my desk at work and surprised me.  I get to see Baby A and Baby B everyday.

First attempt at the weekly bump photos.  That is alll bloat there!
Found a cute app on my phone instead of making a chalkboard.

Second u/s, 9w4d.  So much bigger already!  We still have an alien, but now also a teddy bear.
Or hippo.

Baby A!

Baby B!  Awesome profile shot.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Screw You, Monday!

Well, today sucked.  Lost a team member today.  I say "lost" because she quit...I don't know where she's going or what she's going to do, but she wasn't my "direct report".  It was her choice but I don't think she wasn't un-provoked.  She didn't leave just to spite me.  I say "team member" because damnit, the three of us were a team.  Technically yes, I am a position above, however, I know damn well our tripod wasn't about to stand without a third leg.

I get it, I really do.  I completely understand feeling like enough is enough, and no longer wanting to be in that environment.  Do I think she was in the right to just walk out at 9am this morning?  Hells no!  Do I think lately she's had a rough time and some issues and was struggling? Hells yah.

What is comes down to is this: you fucked us over.  This is the busiest we have EVER been.  30+ job placements a week... I remember when we were doing 9 or 10.  Last week? 54 or some shit.  This week? probably 40.  And now... now... I get to pick up the slack and so does my remaining tripod leg.  We're a little wonky right now.  Like a starfish that is missing a leg... it is still a starfish but you know that shit aint right.

I'm protective of my tripod... I don't want my other remaining leg to feel overwhelmed and under appreciated taking on more work.  I'd rather be stressed and stay late to make sure she is OK and happy.  Is that going going to make a steady tripod?  Probably not, but two unhappy legs is a lot worse then just one.

This shit hasn't fully hit the fan yet but it's coming.

To my missing leg: I'm mad, and you know it.  That's why you didn't reach out to me at all today (we never even said hi to each other this morning before shit went down).  I'm mad because you screwed me over and are going to make my work life miserable the next few weeks.  Not like I didn't have enough stress as it is/can't afford more.  I needed you- not just for work load but for mental and emotional support. I knew I could talk to you about personal matters and shoot the breeze all at the same time.  I knew that you could do your job and do it well and do it with the deadlines we had.  She needed you too- she really needed you. Although you two bumped heads a lot... you two were a force to be reckoned with.  Finding a replacement leg is going to be rough...rougher then you know.  You aren't replaceable.  A knock off tripod leg will be placed in your hole and we'll learn to function again.

I hope you find happiness, I truly do.  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

To blog, or not to blog?

Sometimes, blogging is hard.  I actually really enjoy it but I struggle with what I want to put out on the interwebs and what I don't.  I don't know who's eyes will see what.  The problem with that, however, is that the best blogs are honest and full of real shit.  Real life shit.  Yeah.... I'm not so sure I'm ready to go there yet!  

Here are some lighter things to fill the void!
  • I'm moving soon- yay!  The act of moving sucks donkey balls, but we are fortunate to be able to upgrade to a better place. 
  • It's only July but we are planning family Christmas at our place.  I. COULD. NOT. BE. MORE. EXCITED.
  • I still have this crazy love/obsession for my dog.  I just can't help it!
  • Work is... interesting.  We are super busy but they are cracking down on OT and expecting more work to get done in a day, with no extra help, and done perfectly.  Nice, eh?
Hopefully I can get back into this and post more!  I really, really want to!