Now... on to the goods!
The appointment lasted such a long time. She measured arm and leg bones, counted fingers and toes, looked at the brains, the hearts, placenta's placement and made sure the cords were good and blood was flowing, four eye sockets, no club feet, all that jazz! Both hearts were beating around 153 and 155 bpm.
It was amazing; they were moving all over the place and FINALLY look like real babies! Hands waving, thumb sucking, I layed there speechless for most of it. I'm a huge cryer and super emotional even without being knocked up but I held it together. I shed a few tears when she said Baby A was a BOY and that "there is no mistaking it". Then Baby B a GIRL...I think I'm still in shock. I am so, so, so excited- there aren't enough words!
One placenta is in the front and one is in the back... I think baby girl's is in the front which is on my right side so that may be why I'm not feeling much on that side right now. I have definitely felt my first movement on the left :) . It is such a strange feeling... it literally does feel like something is crawling under my skin LOL.
Little girl is measuring exactly dead-on at 17w6d and she is 8oz. Little boy is one day behind at 17w5d and he is 7oz. We have the ideal twin situation (separate sacks and placentas) and are set up for the least amount of complications. I hope this is an indicator of what to expect! Doctor also confirmed our due date essentially means nothing and these babies will be born in April! If I can get to 36-37 weeks we are doing great, and if I make it to 38 weeks they won't let me go farther than that. At that point there won't be any room anyway and they'll need to come out. So essentially, I'm half way there! Oh, and since baby boy is also "Baby A" medically (indicating he is closer to the cervix) if we deliver vaginally or c-section he'll be born first... so we have a big brother!
I feel like I am forgetting so much from the appointment. It's all a bit overwhelming. I already have a date for Saturday to hit up the baby consignment shop for their 50% off sale!
Baby boy, the nurse actually said "there is no mistaking it"
Baby Boy- this even LOOKS like a boy face!
Baby Girl
Baby girl face!
Side by side, our son and daughter!
Just incredible, Crystle! I am so incredibly happy for you and jealous, too! That was what I always wanted. Twins, a boy and a girl, boy comes out first so he's technically the older brother. Ha ha! I just can't say enough how happy I am for you, though! YAY!