Thursday, February 27, 2014

30 Weeks- Update, YO!

How far along? 30w exactly.

Babies are the size of: A small pumpkin.  Had an appointment today- little boy is 3lbs 5oz, and little girl is 3lbs 12oz!   

Total weight gain: 20lbs.  Saw my OB yesterday and she was a little concerned about my lack of weight gain and wanted to make sure I'm eating enough.  I did just start getting super hungry again like I was in the first trimester so I think the weight is coming.  (After today's appointment and the babes doing SO WELL I'm not as concerned.) Luckily it's all belly weight.  I don't have a pregnant ass or face!

Stretch marks: None yet.  I'm getting vein-y on my stomach and boobs but no stretch marks.

Sleep: At this point getting a goods night sleep is like a treat.    

Best moment this week? TODAY!  The appointment at the fetal imaging place went amazing.  Our US tech was different than who we've had before and she was so fun.  My cervix is still measuring long and closed so I'm not showing any signs of early labor!  WOO!  Both my babes progressed perfectly from where they each measured 5 weeks ago meaning little girl is still bigger (which is good meaning they are still growing at the same rate and neither one has slowed down).  Little boy is right on track for a singleton baby and little girl is ahead for a singleton.  Seriously, the appointment couldn't have gone any better.  They were moving and kicking like crazy, no sign of any issues, and I have lots of fluid.  

It was so cool to see them move on screen at the same time I was feeling it.  Little boy was "practice breathing" and we got a clear shot of his lungs moving.  

They cooperated this time and we were able to see their faces in 3D!  As soon as she turned it on it took my breath away. Chubby cheeks, lips, and cute little noses.  OMG it was beyond words.  Even without the 3D when she was looking at their faces it was so easy to see their features.  No more little blobs.  

I get to start doing stress tests so I'll be seeing my OB every week starting at 32 weeks to be monitored for contractions. I don't have to go back for fetal imaging for another 4 weeks, but then it will be weekly so I'll be having two appointments every. single. week.  They are NOT messing around with twins, let me tell you.  That just means we are getting close to babies in our arms!

Got the official word yesterday I passed my three-hour glucose test.  My OB did have me attempt it a second time and thank god I was able to get through it.  Hubs played a HUGE part in that and I know if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have made it through.  I wasn't even close to failing the three hour test so no gestational diabetes for me and I can go back to getting milkshakes :).  YUMM.

Miss anything: Not much right now.  Better sleep would be nice but I'm starting to get used to not really sleeping.  OH wait... I take that back... I miss being able to reach my feet without it hurting (so I just don't) and being able to shave my legs comfortably.  Yeah.... thanks belly!  

Movement: All day, every day!  God I am going to miss this so much after they are born.     

Food cravings:  I don't think there's anything particular I'm craving, just more food in general.  

Belly button in or out? Still going with the half in, half out look.  So hot.  

Wedding rings: on or off? On and it's starting to leave marks.  At night it's almost impossible to get it off.  I can't imagine not wearing it!

Looking forward to: We are doing maternity photos on Sunday, and then next weekend is my baby shower.  I was thinking this morning I should start packing the diaper bag soon.  That means picking out their going home outfits!  That also makes me realize how much I need to get done in the next few weeks before they get here.  Really I need to finish washing clothes and getting them put away; that will make the nursery way less cluttered feeling.

C-section won't be scheduled for any sooner than 38 weeks so 4/24 is our birthday unless I start contracting on my own.

Out little girl!

Both babies measurements :)

Our little boy!


  1. Be still my heart! After recently finding out that a dear friend of my family's lost their 4 month old, this post has brought me so much joy! I am so SO excited for you and your husband and your perfect babies. AGH! YAY HEALTHY BABIES! <3

  2. I am so, so sorry for your friends. A loss like that is unimaginable. Glad I was able to bring some joy!
