Monday, December 20, 2010

My First Blog!

I don't know what I am doing here, but here goes nothing!  I've always loved writing; I had tons of diaries and journals when I was younger.  I took Creative Writing in high school.  I used to dream about becoming an author.  I'm not any closer to having a book published then I am to winning a gold medal in the Olympics.  (Although, if I were a betting man... I'd bet I'd see a book published before a gold medal!).

Any-who, I've been eye-balling these here blog things for a while now, so I thought there was no better time to start then a new year.  Sure, there are like two weeks until we start having to write 2011 on everything, but when I registered this account and they let me customize everything I just couldn't help myself!

Question, is it apropos to say "Twenty-Eleven"?

Guess I should start thinking of some New Years Resolutions.  I never do well with these!  I never stick to anything.  I always end up making some stupid resolution that I never have a chance to keep, like loosing weight or something.  January-March I tell myself I have all the time in the world and can justify eating anything I want.  Then it's May and bathing suit season is right around the corner(or starting where I live!) and I realize I haven't done a damn thing.

I keep telling myself that "Twenty-Eleven" is going to be my year, but it doesn't feel right to not have at least one resolution in place.  I've got to get on this!

In the spirit of New Years Resolutions, I'd like to share what I hope to achieve with/get out of/ abide by, with this blog over the next year:

  • Blog at least once a week for a year!
    • I want to be able to capture one small part of my life.  Who knows, maybe "Twenty Eleven" really is my year and something amazing happens and if I don't blog about it now I'll be kicking myself in the ass when I'm 90 and can't really remember my youth anymore... but boy I can still read, why didn't I write any of that down?
  • Be honest-if you can't be honest with what you write, it isn't worth sharing.
    • I don't want to be 90 and think "gee, what a sugary sweet year that was" if it really wasn't!  If I can't share something honestly, or I have to sugar coat it, then it doesn't need to be shared.
  • In being honest, also be courteous.
    • I want to openly share, but not at the expense of the people around me.
  • Have a place to be me, and say what is on my mind.
    • I want to treat this as my journal.
  • Create a blog that changes lives!
    • Ok, so maybe I won't actually changes lives, as in plural... but maybe one?  You never know how the words you write will effect someone else.  As they say, "Reach for the moon, if you fall at least you'll land among stars".
So here I go: blogging for one whole year.  I hope this is as much fun as I've conjured up in my head!


  1. Yeah! Welcome to the bloggy world! I think you have the right idea with your list! Do it because it is fun, and do it for you! I think you will have a lot of fun with this, there are a lot of wonderful people out there in the bloggy world!

  2. Welcome to the bloggy world!! Blogging has been such a great experience for me, both keeping up with my daughter and also learning so much about myself. I'm excited to read and see what 2011 brings you. I'm your newest follower!

  3. welcome to blogland :) Hope you enjoy it and good luck with your resolutions! I have met SO many wonderful people through blogging, including your friend, Hannah...she's great and her boys are ADORABLE to say the least!
    Welcome and I'm now following!!!
